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Splendid St.Petersburg. Photoalbum (A4). The series “Welcome”. — St.Petersburg.: Publishing Company “Welcome”, 2007. ISBN 5-93024-050-4. Содержание / Contents.

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The project of Peter the Great himself formed the basis of the first general plan of St. Petersburg. The idea was to design a model, right, geometrically correct city and a standard of town planning. The high level skill of architects gave life to the sketches of Peter's drawings. For many centuries’ talented architects, sculptors, engineers, all those who respected aesthetics of the past and built for centuries created St. Petersburg. The whole St. Petersburg from “admiralty needle” till the border of the central, solemn front part seems to be built by one creator according to one design, one style of all elements, where the main role belongs not to a single building but to the whole architectural ensemble. Beautiful, remarkable, majestic, business and lyrical dramatic at the same time, the city is worthy of unofficial, but nevertheless high title “Brilliant St. Petersburg”.


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