Медицина - Советы - Врачи

Voskresenskiy, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich

Full list of publications
(Note: Voskresenskiy may also be spelled Voskresensky or Voskresenskii)

Original research articles

1. Soifer H.S., Souleimanian N., Wu S, Voskresenskiy A.M., Collak F.K., Cinar B., Stein C.A. Direct regulation of androgen receptor activity by potent CYP17 inhibitors in prostate cancer cells. J Biol Chem. 2012 Feb 3; 287(6):3777-87. (In English).

2. Stein C.A., Hansen J.B., Lai J., Wu S., Voskresenskiy A., Høg A., Worm J., Hedtjärn M., Souleimanian N., Miller P., Soifer H.S., Castanotto D., Benimetskaya L., Ørum H., Koch T. Efficient gene silencing by delivery of locked nucleic acid antisense oligonucleotides, unassisted by transfection reagents. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010. Vol. 38(1): e3. (In English).

3. Stein C.A., Wu S., Voskresenskiy A.M., Zhou J.F., Miller P., Benimetskaya L. G3139, an anti-Bcl-2 antisense oligonucleotide, binds heparin-binding growth factors and collagen I, and alters in vitro endothelial cells growth and tubular morphogenesis. Clin.Cancer Res. 2009. Vol. 15(8), P. 2797-2807. (In English).

4. Benimetskaya L., Wu S., Voskresenskiy A.M., Echart C., Zhou J.F., Shin J., Iacobelli M., Richardson P., Ayyanar K., Stein C.A. Angiogenesis-alteration by defibrotide: Implications for its mechanism of action in severe hepatic veno-occlusive disease. Blood. 2008 Nov 15; Vol.112(10), P.4343-4352. Pre-published http://www.bloodjournal.org/papbyrecent.shtml, Aug 18, 2008. (In English).

5. Voskresenskiy A.M., Sun L.S. The housekeeping gene (GA3PDH) and the long interspersed nuclear element (LINE) in the blood and organs of the rats treated with cocaine. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 2008. Vol. 1137, P. 309-315. (In English).

6. Lai J.C., Brown B.D., Voskresenskiy A.M., Vonhoff S., Klussman S., Tan W., Colombini M., Weeratna R., Miller P., Benimetskaya L., Stein C.A. Comparison of D-G3139 and its enantiomer L-G3139 in melanoma cells demonstrates minimal in vitro but dramatic in vivo chiral dependency. Molecular Therapy. 2007. Vol.15, No 2, P.270-278. (In English).

7. Vakulenko S.B., Donabedian S.M., Voskresenskiy A.M., Zervos M.J., Lerner S.A., Chow J.W. Multiplex PCR for detection of aminoglycoside resistance genes in Enterococci. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2003. Vol. 47. No. 4. P. 1423-1426. (In English).

8. Vladimirov V.G., Belokhvostov A.S., Sherlina S.S., Vasilyeva I.N., Voskresensky A.M. Extracellular DNA level in the blood of irradiated rats. Int.J.Radiat.Biol. 1992. Vol.62. No 6. P. 667-671 (In English).

9. Vladimirov V.G., Belokhvostov A.S., Sherlina S.S., Vasilyeva I.N., Voskresenskii A.M. Concentration of extracellular DNA level in the blood of irradiated rats. Bull. Experim. Biol. Medicin. 1992. Vol.113. No 2. P. 188-191. (in Russian).

10. Voskresensky A.M., Belokhvostov A.S., Sidorenko S.V., Lebedeva I.K., Kozlova N.S. Detection of tetracycline resistance determinants of classes A, B, and C in Shigella and Salmonella with DNA probes. Antibiot. Chemiother. 1991. V.36. No 7. P. 17-19. (In Russian).

11. Voskresensky A.M., Chesnokov V.A., Sviridov L.P. On the information content of some nonspecific resistance characteristics of the body. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 1988. No 6. P. 74-76. (In Russian).

12. Voskresensky A.M., Yurkevich U.V., Ustinov B.S. The primary preparation selection, raising nonspecific resistance. Deposited in CIVTI (Central Institute of Military and Technical Information). 1986. No 34741. P.5. Abstract is published in "Index of information novelties of CIVTI". Vol. 1/190/1986. (In Russian).

13. Voskresensky A.M., Arestova l.S., Sviridov L.P. Interaction of macrophages with bacterial virus T2 under the influence of drugs of various nature. Deposited in VINITI (All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information) on 12nd Dec. 1985. No 8607-B85. Bibliographic index of VINITI "Deposited Scientific works".1986. No 3. L/D 134. 7 P. (In Russian).

14. Chesnokov V.A., Voskresensky A.M., Sviridov L.P. Evaluation of the functional activity of peritoneal macrophages in the NBT test. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 1985. No 5. P. 89-90. (In Russian).

15. Voskresensky A.M. Ampicillin transposon migration in enteropathogenic Escherichia.
Antibiotiki. 1981. No 12. P. 883-885. (In Russian).

16. Voskresensky A.M. Genetical and biological description of S and R- dissociation enteropathogenic Escherichia coli of serogroup O124:K72. Deposited in VINITI (All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information) on 2nd July 1981, No 3276-81. Leningrad: The First Leningrad Medical Inst. 1981. 17 P. (In Russian).

17. Sakovich A.A., Voskresensky A.M., Moskvina N.B. Acute unepidemic parotitis experimental modelling. Stomatology. 1977. No 1. P.17-20. (In Russian).

18. Borisov L.B., Voskresensky A.M., Fedorova Z.F. Phagocytosis of enteropathogenic Escherichia of serogroup O124:K72(B17) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 1976. No 8. P. 45-49. (In Russian).

19. Borisov L.B., Voskresensky A.M. Biochemical and genetics characteristics of enteropathogenic E.coli and Shigella. Report II. Frequency of R-mutations and the nature of "intermediate" forms in E.coli 0124:K72(B17) and Sh. sonnei. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 1974. No 7. P.23-30. (in Russian).

20. Borisov L.B., Voskresensky A.M. Biochemical and genetics characteristics of enteropathogenic E.coli and Shigella. Report III. Determination of high-frequency mutations with the aid of mathematical calculations. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 1974. No 9. P. 32-36. (in Russian). Abstract in "Genetics Abstracts". 1975. V. 7. P.137. N 7G1635. (in English).

21. Freidlin I.S., Artemenko N.K., Teiber E.L., Voskresensky A.M. Сhanges in the immunologic response to bacteriophage T2 due to the transcription inhibitors of actinomycin D, olivomycin, riphamycin and chloroquine. Zh. Mikrobiol Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 1972. No 4. P. 66-71. (in Russian).

Review articles

1. Voskresenskii A.M., Arkadjeva G.E. Macrophages in nonspecific interaction with infectious agents. Immunolog. 1984. No 3. P. 10-16 (In Russian).

2. Zorkin M.G., Voskresensky A.M. et al. Elaboration of specific preventive measures. Deponed in CIVTI (Central Institute of Military and Technical Information). 1984.No 29440. Abstract is published in "Index of information novelties of CIVTI". Vol. 4/177/1984. (In Russian).

3. Yurkevich U.V., Voskresensky A.M. et al. Protective efficiency of combined application of immunomodulators. Deposited in CIVTI (Central Institute of Military and Technical Information). 1984. No 30033. P.5. Abstract is published in "Index of information novelties of CIVTI". Vol.6/179/1984. (In Russian).

4. Voskresensky A.M. Achievements of genetic engineering. Deposited in CIVTI (Central Institute of Military and Technical Information). 1984. No 30037. P.6. Abstract is published in "Index of information novelties of CIVTI". Issue: Vol. 6/179/1984. (In Russian).

5. Voskresensky A.M. Genetical and biological description of S and R- dissociation enteropathogenic Escherichia coli of serogroup O124:K72. Deposited in VINITI (All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information) on 2nd July 1981, No 3276-81. Leningrad: The First Leningrad Medical Inst. 1981. 17 P. (In Russian).

Books and chapters

1. Belokhvostov A.S., Vasilyeva I.N., Voskresensky A.M., Katsalukha V.V., Rayevsky K.K., Sherlina S.S. Methodical recommendation with respect to the use of polymerase chain reaction to identify bacterial infections agents and to determine the genotypic trails. St. Petersburg: Library of Military Medical Research Institute, Ministry of Defense, Russian Federation. Inventory number P-849. St. Petersburg: 1997. P. 1-28. (In Russian).

2. Voskresensky A.M., Kozlova N.S., Examination questions and materials for the preparation of the practical part of the examinations for microbiology. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Medical Therapeutic Institute Library. 1996. 53 P. (In Russian).

3. Katsalukha V.V., Voskresensky A.M., Belokhvostov A.S., Sherlina S.S. et al. Elaboration of new express method of determination of resistance of dangerous and wound infections to antibiotics with the help of polymerase chain reaction and the estimation of its conformity to "general medical-biological requirements (GMBR). St. Petersburg: Library of Military Medical Research Institute, Ministry of Defense, Russian Federation. Report. Inventory number P-694. St. Petersburg. 1994. 82 P. (In Russian).

4. Diakov S.I., Lebedeva I.K., Voskresensky A.M., et. al. Elaboration and improvement of rapid and express methods of determination of sensitivity of dangerous infectious pathogens to antibiotics. Military medicine. Issues of prevention, diagnostics, and treatment of extreme conditions. Published articles. Under the supervision of lieutenant-general of military medicine I.M.Chizh. -Moscow: Military publishing house. -1994. -P.261-266. (In Russian).

5. Katsalukha V.V., Voskresensky A.M., Diakov S.I. er al. General medical-biological requirements to means and methods of rapid determination of sensitivity of dangerous infectious pathogens to antibiotics. St.Petersburg: NII VM MO Russian Federation Library. Inventory number P-685. 1993. 10 P. (In Russian).

6. Borisov L.B., Voskresensky A.M. and all. Situational tasks on special medical microbiology and virology. Leningrad: The First Leningrad Medical Inst. -1979. -17 P. (In Russian).

7. Voskresensky A.M., Zayceva A.K., Zdanova O.V., Eydelman F.L. Marking of E.coli O124 and Shigella sonnei in R-mutation. Proceedings of Microbiologists Society 1978. Actual problems of Immunology, Virology, Chemotherapy and Epidemiology of infectious diseases. Leningrad.: Medicine. -1979. -P.290-293. (In Russian).

8. Cinzerling A.V., Avramenko V.S., Moskvina N.B., Voskresensky A.M. et al. To the pathogenesis and pathological anatomy of escherichiosis O-124. Proceedings of Leningrad Scientific Pathologyanatomists Society. Leningrad. -1977. -Vol.18. -P.80-86. (in Russian).

Published abstracts

1. Voskresenskiy A.M., Sun L.S. The immediate early genes (c-fos, c-jun, c-myc) and the long interspersed nuclear element (LINE) in the organs of the rats treated with cocaine. Rat Genomics & Models. 7th Meeting at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, December 2-5, 2009. Abstract Book, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 2009, 67. (in English).

2. Sun L.S., Leung M, Wang A., Voskresenskiy A.M., Sobol J. Activation of long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) in the neonatal rat following chronic in utero cocaine exposure. International Anesthesia research Society (IARS). Submitted Sept. 2005. IARS 80th Clinical and Scientific Congress, San Francisco, March 24-28, 2006, S-259, P.40. Published (look next No 3):

3. Sun L.S., Leung M., Wang A., Voskresenskiy A.M. Activation of long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) in the neonatal rat following chronic in utero cocaine exposure. International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS). IARS 80th Clinical and Scientific Congress, San Francisco, March 24-28, 2006. Anesth. Analg., 2006, 102, S-259, p.151. http://www.iars.org/abstracts/, www.iars.org/assets/1/7/2006_Abstract_Supplement.pdf, www.iars.org/education/annual_meeting/prior_annual_meeting_abstracts/ (In English).

4. Voskresenskiy A.M., Sun L.S., Leung M. Perinatal cocaine exposure differentially regulated the mRNA expression of ßAR subtypes in the neonatal rat heart. International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS). IARS 79th Clinical and Scientific Congress, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 11-15, 2005. Anesth. Analg., 2005, S-242, P.44. http://www.iars.org/congress/ .(in English).

5. Voskresenskiy A.M., Lo S.S., Mallavaram N., Sun L.S. Apoptosis gene products are detectable in urinary epithelial cells following congenital cardiac surgery. ibid. S-334, p.45 (in English).

6. Voskresensky A.M., Rayevsky K.K., Vladimirov V.G., Trofimov V.I. Kozlova N.S., Vasilyeva I.N., Katsalukha V.V. The study of possibility of determining multiple drug resistance of the pathogen by means of PCR. The 2nd All-Russian scientific practical conference "Polymerase chain reaction in diagnostic and control of the treatment of infectious diseases." January 20-22, 1998. Collected works. Edited by acad. RAMS Ju.M.Lopukhin. Moscow, 1998, p.117. (In Russian).

7. Kozlova N.S., Gladin D.P., Ivanov V.P., Voskresensky A.M. Circulation of antibiotic resistant strains of enterobacteria in St.Petersburg and Leningrad region. The 7-th Congress materials of the of All-Russian Society of epidemiologists, microbiologists, parasitologists. Moscow: -1997. -P.350. (In Russian).

8. Voskresensky A.M., Kozlova N.S., Katsalukha V.V., Vasilyeva I.N., Belokhvostov A.S. PCR with mixed of DNA-primers used for determination of salmonella resistance to tetracycline. European society of Chemotherapy Infectious Diseases. In collaboration with the National Society of Chemotherapy of Russian Federation. 5th Scientific Meeting. June 5-7, 1997. Saint-Petersburg. - 1997, 131. (In Russian).

9. Kozlova N.S., Ivanov V.P., Gladin D.P., Voskresensky A.M. Ecological aspects of circulation antibiotic resistant enterobacteriaceae in St.-Petersburg and region. Medical microbiology letters. 1996. Vol.5. Suppl.1. P.109. (In English).

10. Kozlova N.S., Ivanov V.P., Gladin D.P., Voskresensky A.M. Epidemiological observations on the antibiotic resistance trends of enterobacteria isolated in the region of St.-Petersburg. Medical microbiology letters. 1996. Vol.5. Suppl.1. P.108. (In English).

11. Gladin D.P., Ivanov V.P., Zaytseva T.K., Kozlova N.S., Voskresensky A.M. Conjugative R-plasmids of Shigella spp. isolated in St.-Petersburg and region in 1994-1995. Medical microbiology letters. 1996. Vol.5. Suppl.1. P.59. (In English).

12. Voskresensky A.M., Kozlova N.S., Katsalukha V.V., Vasilyeva I.N., Gladin D.P. Determination of Tet B and Tet C genes in Enterobacteria using PCR method. Medical microbiology letters. 1996. Vol.5. Suppl.1. P 57 (In Russian).

13. Voskresensky A.M., Kozlova N.S., Katsalukha V.V., Vasilyeva I.N., Lebedeva G.V. Determination of tetracycline-resistance determinants in salmonella typhimurium using molecular genetic methods. Medical microbiology letters. -1996. -Vol.5. -Suppl.1. - P.57. (In English).

14. Voskresensky A.M., Katsalukha V.V. Molecular genetic methods of determining the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. Proceedings of the scientific conference on "Infectology. Achievements and prospects", dedicated to the centenary of the first in Russia department of infections diseases of the Military Medical Academy. St.Petersburg. -1996. -P.58. (In Russian).

15. Gladin D.P., Kozlova N.S., Voskresensky A.M. On the problem of the causes of unsuccessful of the antibiotic therapy cases. Prophylactic foundations of theory and practice of family medicine. Theses of reports to the scientific and practical conference. Edited by professor A.V.Shabrov and professor V.G.Maimulov. -St.Petersburg. -1996. -P.143. (In Russian).

16. Ivanov V.P., Gladin D.P., Kozlova N.S., Voskresensky A.M., Kuzmin V.A. The sensitivity of strains of pathogenic enterobacteria, which are resistant to ampicillin and carbenicillin in combination with sulbactam/ampicillin. Problems of human life optimization. Brief theses of the regional scientific-practical conference reports. Under the supervision A.V.Shabrov and professor V.G.Maimulov. -St.Petersburg. -1995. -P.76. (In Russian).

17. Ivanov V.P., Kozlova N.S., Kuzmin V.A., Voskresensky A.M., Gladin D.P. Issues of ecology of antibiotic resistant enterobacteria circulating in St.Petersburg and the region. ibid. St.Petersburg. 1995. P.76. (In Russian).

18. Kaftyreva L.A., Ivanov V.P., Kozlova N.S., Voskresensky A.M. Resistance to antibiotics of Salmonella spp., isolated from people. European society of Chemotherapy. Infectious Diseases. 3rd Scientific Meeting. May 18-20, 1995. Institute Pasteur. Paris. 1995. P. 99 (In Russian).

19. Voskresensky A.M., Katsalukha V.V., Belokhvostov A.S., Kozlova N.S. Definition of tetracycline-resistance determinant using PCR in the spleens of mice infected with Salmonella typhimurium. European society of Chemotherapy. Infectious Diseases. 3rd Scientific Meeting. May 18-20, 1995. Institut Pasteur. Paris. 1995. P. 98. (In English).

20. Voskresensky A.M., Belokhvostov A.S., Katsalukha V.V., Sherlina S.S., Vasilyeva I.N. The use of Polymerase chain reaction for determination of the resistance of Y. pestis (strain EV) to Tetracycline. Actual problems of elaboration of medical equipment and ways of preservation and recovering of military capacity of military staff of the army. The book of heads of reports of conference, dedicated to 25th anniversary of Scientific and Research Institute of Military Medicine. Under the supervision of U. Pogodin. -St. -Petersburg. -1994. -P.168 (In Russian).

21. Kozlova N.S., Gladin D.P., Voskresensky A.M. The sensitivity of ampicillin-resistant strains of Enterobacteria to combination of sulbactam/ampicillin. European society of Chemotherapy. Infectious Diseases in cooperation with Medical School of University of Coimbra. 2nd Scientific Meeting. September 22-24, 1994. Coimbra, Portugal. P.40. (In English).

22. Voskresensky A.M., Belokhvostov A.S., Katsalukha V.V., Kozlova N.S. Polymerase chain reaction for the determination of microorganisms resistance to chemical drugs. European society of Chemotherapy. Infectious Diseases in cooperation with Medical School of University of Coimbra. 2-nd Scientific Meeting. September 22-24, 1994. - Coimbra, Portugal. P.40. (In English).

23. Kozlova N.S., Ivanov V.P., Voskresensky A.M., Kuzmin V.A. The nature to antibiotic resistance of the some enterobacteria species circulating in St. Petersburg and region. European society of Chemotherapy. Infectious Diseases in cooperation with Medical School of University of Coimbra. 2-nd Scientific Meeting. September 22-24, 1994. - Coimbra, Portugal. P.38. (In English).

24. Voskresensky A.M., Kozlova N.S., Belokhvostov A.S., Katsalukha V.V., Sherlina S.S., Vasilyeva I.N. The genetic nature of resistance of enterobacteria to tetracycline. European Society of Chemotherapy. Infectious Diseases in cooperation with Medical School of University of Coimbra. 2nd Scientific Meeting. September 22-24, 1994. Coimbra, Portugal. 1994, 38 (In Russian).

25. Belokhvostov A.S., Vasilyeva I.N., Sherlina S.S., Voskresensky A.M. The use Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for diagnostics of the gamma-irradiation effect. Brief theses of Radiobiological conference. -Kiev: publ. house Puschino.1993, Part 1, 98-99. (In Russian).

26. Voskresensky A.M., Belokhvostov A.S. The use of polymerase chain reaction with the purpose of indication salmonella tetracycline determinant the class C. Brief theses of reports: All-Union Conference "Actual issues of bacterial infections chemotherapy. Oct 22-24 1991. Moscow: 1991. P. 135. (In Russian). The abstract is published in essay journal "Biology". 1993 (04B4). No 4. P.12. (In Russian).

27. Voskresensky A.M., Belokhvostov A.S., Sidorenko S.V., Lebedeva I.K., Vasilyeva I.N. Determination of antibiotic resistance of bacteria with the use of DNA-probe based on phage M13. ibid. P.136. Abstract is published ibid. (In Russian).

28. Voskresensky A.M., Belokhvostov A.S., Sherlina S.S., Kozlova N.S. The use of tetracycline DNA-probes for differentiation of Shigella and Salmonella within the sero- and biovar. P.137. Abstract is published ibid. (In Russian).

29. Voskresensky A.M. The results of polymerase chain reaction with the tetracycline gene model. Report No P-551 "Basis and research of technical equipment of microbiological diagnostics, realizing the new methods of express-analyzing". Leningrad: NII VM MO Russian Federation Library 1991. P.30. (In Russian).

30. Voskresensky A.M., Chesnokov V.A., Sviridov L.P. The change of oxidizing-restoration activity of macrophages as a regulation factor of antimicrobial resistance. Neuro-humoral regulation of immune homeostasis. Brief theses of reports of 4th All-Union symposium "Regulation of immune homeostasis". May 5-7, 1986, Suzdal city. -Leningrad: -1986. -P.247. (In Russian).

31. Yurkevich U.V., Boiko I.N., Voskresensky A.M. The way of reducing of mice death rate with the heavy form of tularemia. The improvement of methods and equipment used in studies, medical-biological research and clinical practicum (Collected inventions and rationalization proposals). Leningrad. S.M. Kirov VMOLA 1986. Vol.17. P.126-127. (In Russian).

32. Borisov L.B., Voskresensky A.M., Alekseev I.A., Kostkin V.B. Research of autoantibodies content in animals nephritic tissue during of their stay under the conditions of higher pressure. Materials of 3rd All-Union conference IAFP named after I.M.Sechenov Academy of Science USSR. Leningrad 1986, P.35 (In Russian).

33. Voskresensky A.M., Sviridov L.P. Influence of prodigiozan on the certain natural resistance mechanisms of infected mice. Second All-Union Scientific conference "Results and prospects of scientific research of microbial polysaccharides". Brief theses of reports. -Leningrad.: Medicine. 1984. P.192. (In Russian).

34. Sidelnikova O.P., Gryzlova S.A., Voskresensky A.M., Sviridov L.P. Stimulation of the mice macrophages by TABTE vaccine. Actual issues of immunodiagnostic and immunoregulation. Brief theses of reports of 5th Scientific Conference on the clinical immunology problems. 23-24th March 1982. Tallinn. 1982. P. 256. (In Russian).

35. Voskresensky A.M., Sviridov L.P. Action of levamisole on macrophages and stem cells of mice. Brief theses of reports of 5th Scientific Conference on the clinical immunology problems. 23-24th March 1982, Tallinn.1982, 255 (In Russian).

36. Voskresensky A.M., Moskvina N.B., Sakovich A.A., Borisov L.B. Reproduction of coli-infection in salivary glands of dogs and possibility of extrapolation of the results on humans. Materials of All-Union conference "Biological description of laboratory animals and extrapolation of the experimental data on humans." -Moscow: Medicine. -1980. -P.245-246. (In Russian).

37. Borisov L.B., Babkov V.V., Voskresensky A.M., Filippenko O.V. The role of RP4 factor in formation of drug resistant strains of enteropathogenic Escherichia and in chromosomes genes transfer. Chemotherapy of bacterial infections. Brief theses of reports of All-Union conference (Alma-Ata,23-24th October" 1979). -Moscow: Medicine -1979. - P.234-235. (In Russian).

38. Voskresensky A.M. Biological and Genetical peculiarities of S and R-forms of enteropathogenic Escherichia of serogroup O124:K72. Author's abstract of Doctor's thesis in Medical Science. -Leningrad: The First Leningrad Medical Inst. 1975. 14 P. (In Russian).

39. Borisov L.B., Voskresensky A.M. Biochemical and genetic characteristics of enteropathogenic E.coli and Shigella. Report III. Determination of high-frequency mutations with the aid of mathematical calculations. Abstract in "Genetics Abstracts". -1975. -V. 7. -P.137. -N 7G1635. (in English.).

40. Borisov L.B., Fedorova Z.F., Voskresensky A.M. Virulence of S-, R- and intermediate forms of E.coli O124. Microorganisms’ pathogenic factors. Brief theses of reports of the second All-Union symposium dedicated to the problem "Pathogenic bacteria genetics".23-th October1974.-M.-1974. P. 41.(In Russian).

41. Voskresensky A.M. The enterobacteriaceae colonies classification. Actual problems of the diagnostics and treatment. Leningrad. -1973. P. 23. (In Russian).

42. Voskresensky A.M. The E.coli O124:K72 biological properties and also of them auxotrophic mutants. Materials for XIX scientific conference of postgraduate and clinical interns. Leningrad. 1972. P. 29. (In Russian).

43. Voskresensky A.M., Teiber M. Some indicators of the macrophages functional activity treated by antibiotics and other preparators. Brief theses of reports for interfaculty students scientific conference on biology and medicine theoretical questions. Leningrad. 1972. P. 7. (In Russian).

44. Voskresensky A.M., Teiber M. The influence of a transcription processes inhibitors on the functional activity of macrophages. Materials of scientific students conference (XXXI conference of students and interuniversity students conference "Problems of regulation in animate nature"). Leningrad. 1970. P. 22.(In Russian).

45. Teiber M., Voskresensky A.M. The influence of a transcription processes inhibitors on the immunogenesis. Materials of scientific students conference (XXXI conference of students and interuniversity students conference "Problems of regulation in animate nature"). -Leningrad. -1970. P. 23. (In Russian).

46. Voskresensky A.M., Teiber M. On the study of the cell mechanisms of the reaction rejection. Materials of XXXI scientific students conference dedicated to the V.I. Lenin centenary on 22-25 April 1969. Leningrad. 1969. P. 28. (In Russian).


1. Voskresenskiy A.M. Laboratory diagnostics for narcotic poisoning. Provisional Application for Patent. Application Number 60/812,896. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Jun. 13, 2006., and Laboratory diagnostic of poisoning by narcotics. Provisional Application for Patent. Application Number 60/686614. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Jun. 03, 2005. (In English).

2. Voskresenskiy A.M., Voronovitskaya L.A. Monoclonal antibodies in cancer diagnostic. Provisional Application for Patent. Application Number 60/420,604. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Oct. 24. 2002 (in English).

3. Belokhvostov A.S.,Sherlina S.S., Semukhina T.V., Voskresensky A.M. The method of evaluation of radiation influence USSR. Authors certificate No 1747490. 15th March, 1992. Published 07.15.92. Bulletin No 26. (In Russian).

4. Voskresenskiy A.M. The method for obtaining of mucous forms of enteropathogenic Escherichia and Shigella. Patent No 1738849. February 16, 1989. Published 06.07.1992. Bulletin No 21. (In Russian).

5. Voskresenskiy A.M., Borisov L.B. The way of getting S-forms of enterobacteria. USSR Authors certificate No 896067. 7th January, 1982. Published 01.07.82. Bulletin No 1. (In Russian).

6. Voskresenskiy A.M., Moskvina N.B., Borisov L.B., Sakovich A.A. Method of escherichiosis modeling. USSR Authors certificate No 606159. 13th January, 1978. Published 05.05.78. -Bulletin No 17. (In Russian).


1. 7th Meeting at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Cold Spring Harbor, New York (USA), December 2-5, 2009;

2. 5th International Symposium on Circulating Nucleic Acids in Plasma and Serum (CNAPS-V). Moscow (Russian Federation), August 23-27, 2007;

3. 80th Clinical and Scientific Congress, International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS). San Francisco (USA), March 24-28, 2006;

4. 41th Interscience Conference of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, (American Society of Microbiology), Chicago (USA), 2001;

5. 5 th Scientific Conference of the European Society of Chemotherapy. St.Petersburg (Russian Federation), 1998;

6. 4th Scientific Conference of the European Society of Chemotherapy. Athens (Greece), 1996;

7. 3th Scientific Conference of the European Society of Chemotherapy. Paris (France), 1995;

8. 2th Scientific Conference of the European Society of Chemotherapy, Coimbra (Portugal), 1994;

9. Radiobiological Congress. Kiev (Ukraine), 1993;

10. All-Union Conference on “The urgent problems of chemotherapy of bacterial infections”. Moscow (Russian Federation), 1991.


American Society of Microbiology
European Society of Chemotherapy


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